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VU Exams Calendar 2011-12

Virtual university exams calendar for year 2011 is as followed:

Course Selection Open (Spring 2011) for existing students Monday 14 March, 2011
Last date for Add / Drop a Course(s) for all students Thursday March 31, 2011
Closing Date of Course Selection (Spring 2011) Thursday March 31, 2011
Orientation of newly admit students Wed-Friday March 16-18, 2011
Commencement of Spring semester 2011 March 21, 2011
Mid Term Exam (Spring 2011) Thursday May 12, 2011
Resumption of classes after Mid Term Exam (Spring 2011) Tuesday May 24, 2011
Final Term Exam (Spring 2011) Friday july 15, 2011
Commencement of Fall 2011 Monday September 19, 2011
Mid Term Exam (Fall 2011) Saturday November 26, 2011
Ashura* (Holidays) Monday-Tuesday December 5 - 6, 2011
Resumption of classes after Mid Term Exam (Fall 2011) Monday December 12, 2011
Final Term Exam (Fall 2011) Friday February 03, 2012
Kashmir Day (Holiday)/Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi* (Birth of the Prophet) - Holiday Sunday February 5, 2012
Commencement of Spring semester 2012 Monday March 05, 2012
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Virtual University Exams Pattern

In written part of the exam, Information that will be tested on is decided in advance. Exams duration range from 60 minutes (midterm) to 90 minutes (final term). Each question has a known correct answer.

Midterm exams

Total duration of exam is 60 minutes.
15 to 20 total MCQs (1 mark). Some course has 30 to 35 total MCQs (1 mark).
1 to 5 written questions of 2 to 3 marks each.
1 question of 10 marks / 2 questions of 5 mark each.
100% Questions from 23 lectures.

Final Term exams

Total duration of exam is 90 minutes.
30 to 35 total MCQs (1 mark). Some course has 40 to 50 total MCQs (1 mark).
5 to 10 written questions of 2 to 3 marks each.
1 question of 10 marks / 2 questions of 5 mark each.
70% Questions from 23 – 45 lectures.
30% Questions from 1 - 23   lectures.

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